Thursday 24 April 2008


I can see you!

I wish I had thumbs...

I love Christmas!

Who ate all the pies?


The Birthday Boy

Yay! It's my Birthday!

Today I am one whole year old!

My dad has been constantly hassling me to update this blog, so I've managed to find some time in my busy schedule to fill you all in on what I've been up to over the last few months.

As you will notice, I've got quite a lot bigger - I'm about thirteen inches to the shoulder, and when I stand up with my arms in the air, I can reach dad's waist. My eyes still have a blue tint, which I think is rather fetching, but they'll probably get greener over time; apparently, I'm only a third of the way though my growing!

I don't know where the time has gone; there is so much to tell you all about:

Christmas was fun, there was a big tree for me to climb with lots of shiny toys for me to bat about the living room. On Christmas Day I got up early and opened my stocking which was full of toy mice and tasty things. Later in the day there was lots of paper for me to play with. It was great being able to hide and pounce on the unsuspecting Izzy. I'm not sure she properly got into the spirit of things, but it might have been all the treats she'd been eating...

I've visited Yorkshire a couple more times; I've really enjoyed running around in the courtyard - I was able to stay out playing for hours. The ground was a bit slippery in places and my fur came in jolly handy as it was rather chilly, but I made the most of it and kept warm by running about lots.

A few weeks ago we had snow. I didn't have a clue what had happened to the world and was a bit confused, so I kept shouting until somebody got up and showed me what it was. Even though it was cold on my feet, I still couldn't resist jumping about in it.

Now it's got a bit sunnier, I've been going out in the garden more. I've got a really long lead and can get to most of the interesting things. It's great to smell the fresh air, sit in the sun and run about in the grass chasing insects. I've managed to escape a couple of times and visit the neighbour's gardens, but I always come back at dinner time!

For those of you who want to know more about me, I'm posting some links where you can find out more.

I'll post some more pictures and a bit more about my background soon, but for now I'll say adieu as I have some important sleeping to do.


Wednesday 19 September 2007


Did someone say 'Dinner'?

Getting closer...

Cat Scratching Heaven

At the Treespanner Timber Company

Close encounter


Busy, Busy, Busy

Hello! I have been really busy over the last few weeks, so apologies to those of you awaiting an update.

I've been out visiting this month and have met lots of new people.
A few weeks ago, we went to visit some friends and I met a really stupid dog by the name of 'He-Man'. I'm not quite sure what he was for - most of the dog had been bred out of him, just leaving legs and ears. I think I scared him as he just sat vibrating at me for hours! The same day, I saw a fox sneaking around in our friends garden, but I wasn't allowed to play with it so I just watched through the window.

At the beginning of this month, I went to the countryside to visit a nice man at a timber yard - It was great fun, climbing over the piles of lovely smelling wood, getting covered in cobwebs and sawdust in a massive barn. I hope we visit again, I had a really good time.

I'm still eating lots and I'm getting heavier, although I've had a bit of an upset tummy recently - probably down to all the different types of food I've been trying. I think I'm getting used to it now, and everything is settling down again.

Mum and dad have been playing with me lots and have built me lots of tunnels to run through and hide in. I'm getting quite accurate at diving through them now and they provide the perfect spot for ambushing Izzy (aka Rattly Cat).
Izzy and I are getting on a bit better, she's still moody most of the time, but on a couple of occasions, we've chased each other and played. I think she's finally getting used to having me around.

I've got a lovely bed on the radiator now, I can sit and watch dad on the computer and keep nice and warm now the weather is getting cooler. Dad has written me a program so you can sign-up and I can email you when I make updates. Feel free to use it, or keep checking the old-fashioned way. You can un-subscribe by entering your details and clicking the appropriate button.

Anyway, must be off; there's furniture to climb...


Monday 6 August 2007


Yay! It's sunny!
(And I'm outside!)
Me in my smart purple braces

It's hot out here...

On the prowl

It's Finally Sunny!

Hello and welcome back for my latest news. Sorry it's been a while, but my dad has been hogging the computer.

A few weeks ago we went on a long journey to a big green place called Yorkshire. Rattly cat (who I have now found out is called Izzy), stayed behind to look after the house. I was put in my cage to start with, but soon after I got to sit on dad's lap all the way there. It was fun seeing all the big trucks, but I was sleeping most of the time.

It was very late when we stopped so I went straight back to sleep again. The next day, I found we were staying at a huge house with a very slippery floor that I really enjoyed sliding about on. Later on, mum and dad got dressed up and went out so I got to sit by the nice warm fire with two lovely people who I presume are grandparents to some degree.

The journey back took much longer as we were stopped for a lot of it. It was very hot in the Mechanical Snail because it was very sunny. I did a lot of sleeping. It was good to get back and even Izzy seemed somewhat pleased to see me!

The next weekend I met another nice lady who stayed with us for a few days. She was quite loud, but she was very friendly. More grandparents I guess, but only one of them this time...

This weekend, dad mowed the lawn and afterwards, I went out in my smart purple braces for an explore. I felt a bit exposed in the middle of the lawn, so I stuck to the edges and hid in the long grass, which felt oddly familiar.

I'm making the most of this sunny weather business by lying in it as much as possible, so I'm going to sign off for now.


PS, in answer to your questions:
* I am generally known as Higgins - to use my full name for anything other than formal communication would be most inconvenient.
* As you will see from the new pictures, my eyes are getting more dangerously yellow by the day... My teeth and claws are getting sharper too ;o)

Friday 20 July 2007


I'm getting bigger!

King of all I survey

Rattly Cat